Leaders tend to focus more on the outcomes of organisational actions like successes and failures, often without considering the hidden undercurrent i.e human motivational factors that lead to these outcomes. This Leading High Performance Teams program aims to provide structure for team development initiatives, by outlining the qualities, skills and competencies that leaders must have to be effective in teams. It takes a deep-dive into the roles they play and the way various roles complement or work against each other. This is done to ensure that a broader group of organisational stakeholders can be engaged in the process of development, change, and transformation.

High-performance organisations and teams are characterised by goal clarity and commitment, role complementarity, effective communication and decision-making processes. A salient theme of this Leading High Performance Teams program is that it focuses on the individual leader and their relationships with the people they seek to lead, influence and motivate. This Leading High Performance Teams program aims to take participants on a meaningful development journey that leads to sustainable learning and long-term impact on their team management skills.

Learning Goals:

  • Identify and understand your personal leadership style
  • Discover the most essential components of effective high performance teams
  • Understand the need to adapt leadership style to the context within the organisation
  • Redefine roles and responsibilities in the context of the team
  • Understand the rewards and difficulties of complementarity within teams
  • Examine the scope of different leadership styles in teams
  • Learn the challenges and nuances of building effective teams and tried and tested practices to overcome them
  • Understand individual’s role in the teams and how to work most effectively in the context of teams
  • Learn how to build a support system and empathetic discourse among team members
  • Focus on reoccurring patterns of behaviour that influence an individual’s and team’s effectiveness
  • Exercise and practice coaching skills on each other
  • Improve interpersonal exchange and become more effective in leading diverse and virtual teams